What to do when I’m Feeling Low?

I’ve been feeling a little down the past few days. A little teary over nothing and just wanting to be by myself all the time. I’m feeling fatigued and tired and wish I could just stay in bed all day. I can’t concentrate when I want to yet the workload doesn’t stop so this is not really an option. I have to push through but I’m really struggling to do so. 

I gave in to my feelings this afternoon and layed in bed and watched a movie. Didn’t make me feel any better and when I went back to studying I still couldn’t kick my brain into gear. It just doesn’t care right now about respiratory acidosis and alkalosis! Does yours? 

Anyone out there have any tips? I’m feeling stuck and yet if I’m stuck for too long it will become to hard to climb out again! I knew I would hit walls eventually, but apparently I don’t really have great mechanisms for overcoming them. I would go for a run like usual but the weather is rather wild and has been for a few days now. It’s probably not helping. 

Ah well… Life.