Camps, Drinking and Crazies

I just returned home from med camp. It was everything I imagined it to be. Fun, mixed with alcohol and a bunch of med students. I had fun during the day activities. I don’t like to drink. One it’s really not good for you, two it makes people do stupid things, three it is expensive, four it tastes disgusting anyways and five, I think that is enough reasons to choose not to drink. I don’t feel it necessary to have alcohol to have fun, however, some others obviously do.

At med camp we did a suturing workshop which was stacks of fun, a plastering workshop which wasn’t too bad and then a mini amazing race. That was fun. It finished with a slip and slide! We played some sport and did handstands and back flips… Well I did backflips! Lol.

We also were given free stuff. What I have learnt so far in med is that you are given a lot of free stuff. So far I’ve been given too many pens to count, shirts, 4 bags, a surgeon cap, insurance, stethoscope name tag, notebooks, wrist bands, medical dictionary, chocolates, lollies, drink bottles, scrubs, food, lots of food, and probably stacks more that I can’t remember right now. It honestly just keeps on coming. You should be able to spot a med student from a mile away with all the stuff we are given.

I sound like I’m having all fun and no study. Haha.. Not really… Lots of study as well 🙂